
L M F A O (i ship it)

Naruto Shippuuden movie 3
Tamaki Kyouya chu
their_darkness wrote in kakairu
I was just wondering if anyone's seen the 3rd Naruto Shippuuden movie yet? It just gotted subbed by a group I'm not sure I'm supposed to name in this community? XDD

I don't really have much to say about it other than that the last minute made up the rest of the movie.

It seems we aren't the only one who think Kakashi is seriously gay! :D Too bad they seem to pair him up with the wrong person. Poor Naruto, he's all creeped out.

ps: Also note how Neji is cocking his hip while standing over Sai. I'm sorry, I swear I've never even thought about these two before. But that image just struck me as... Well.

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Lol what is Kakashi reacting about? I has not seen this film.

Neji would look like a model if his top half wasn't cut off u_u He could be in a Loreal commercial with his hair.

That can be remedied:

Well, Kakashi just recognized Obito in Naruto and said "You're just like him" and Naruto reacted badly: "S-say what? Creepy grins outta nowhere aren't cool!"
Kakashi: "Ha?"
Hinata: "How impure..."
Kakashi: "Huh? W-what?" (This is the moment where he's realizing where this is heading and is already fearing Iruka's reaction when he gets back home, teehee :p)
Hinata: "I had no idea Kakashi-sensei had such... preferences."
Sai: "The book says that over time, when two parties both feel their hearts pounding, it can lead to love... But I don't know about two guys..."
Shikamaru: "Come on, are you serious?"
Kakashi: "No wait! It's not like that-"
Lee: "Gai-sensei said that this is also part of the springtime youth!"
Tenten: "I knew it."
Naruto: "Wha-?"

Naruto: "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!" *runs off*
Kakashi: "It's not like that, Naruto!" (he's worried Naruto's gonna tell Iruka :D) *runs after Naruto* "Wait up!"
Naruto: "Stay away!"
Kakashi: "Naruto!" (really worried :D)
Naruto: "No!"

It was pretty epic.