
Fandom: NARUTO

Pairing(s): NONE.

Rating: K+
Warning(s): FLUFF

Title: To Be Cared For
Author: Jedi Honor Bound Ninja
Summary: Naruto doesn't often get sick, but when he does he knows his routine: hunker down and be miserable. But this time around maybe he can finally have a taste of what others normally have.



Fandom: NARUTO (duh)

Pairing(s): NONE.

Rating: T
Warning(s): NONE.

Title: Sightless Eyes
Author: MisteryMaiden
Summary: Kyuubi has been able to heal almost every wound that Naruto has ever received, but even the all-powerful demon can't heal everything.

(Naruto is a freaking badass)

(i'm fucking lovin' it)


So. I noticed that a LOT of people seem to ship Zabuza and Naruto with each other and I don't get it.

Like, what.

How even. All they had was a brief stint in a forest and at some bridge and that's it. Zabuza didn't even stay alive for long afterwards (sure he got reincarnated later by Kabuto-bitch but THAT DOESN'T COUNT).

(Also his sword looks stupid in my opinion)


Fandom: NARUTO

Pairing(s): NONE.

Rating: K+
Warning(s): NONE. (Can be a bit of a feels trip)

Title: Perspective
Author Uchiki na Kage
Summary: A one shot collection: Kakashi and the others discover some things that seem to put everything about Naruto in a different perspective.

(I cried)


Going through some AMVs and found ones about the deaths of the anime characters I actually give a fuck about and 😫

Why did you have to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee???


24 hours ago I told myself that I'm gonna' finish all of my homework today...I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED 😱