
Thilbo Bagginshield


Zahara Agnân @ AO3 by Dudetzzz4
Summary: Bilbo is a retired war hero. He spent 30 years of his life fighting various battles across Middle Earth as part of the Royal Middle Earth Army, before retiring to a quiet life in his hometown of Hobbiton until the peace and (relative) quiet drives him insane and he reenlists (the bets are on at a year, max). Unfortunately for those awaiting his return, Bilbo never does re-enlist, due to unforeseen circumstances (because really, what else can you call getting vanished off the face of Middle Earth?) (Those who thought he completely vanished were wrong, though. He may never have been seen again in that century, but only because no one bothered to check the history books)

An AU in which Bilbo was born and raised in Modern Middle Earth before getting sent back to the end of the Third Age in a desperate and terribly misinformed plot to mess up the Company's quest that backfires horribly, much to Gandalf's amusement. OR: Do your research, damn it!

Rating: T