
TsukiKane / Shuuneki

You got it @ AO3 by nightcrawler554
Summary: At Anteiku High, a ghoul school for the young. Teaching them all they need to know how to survive the outside world but not each other. So what will happen when a famous an extremely desired alpha transfers and falls for the schools resident bad boy who wants nothing to do with anything, especially ghoul's useless alpha/omega dynamics or whatever.

However, apparently there is a rumour that he'll accept an alpha that proves he's worthy of him.

Rating: T



lead me into the light @ AO3 by kolbietheninja
Summary: Kaneki makes the startling realization that he and his best friend have been acting less like friends and more like boyfriends for the better part of a year. Hide has known he was going to spend the rest of his life with Kaneki since they first met.

Rating: T








This manga is an acquired taste.

Summary: Welcome to the world of Animal Country. In this world, there exists thousands of animals except for one man. That is, until a strange baby was found by the young raccoon Monoko. Now, she has made it her duty to be the child's mother in this world where the strong eat and the weak are eaten! The new series by the genius behind Zatch Bell!

Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Tragedy




I think I just thoroughly embarrassed myself.









Not Always a Gentleman, a hetalia - axis powers fanfic | FanFiction

Rating: T



Pirate!England is sexy.

Like, seriously though.

There's a lot of Pirate!England fan art. Just look them up.

Pirate, a hetalia - axis powers fanfic | FanFiction

Sequel: Costume, a hetalia - axis powers fanfic | FanFiction

Rating: T


Thilbo Bagginshield


Zahara Agnân @ AO3 by Dudetzzz4
Summary: Bilbo is a retired war hero. He spent 30 years of his life fighting various battles across Middle Earth as part of the Royal Middle Earth Army, before retiring to a quiet life in his hometown of Hobbiton until the peace and (relative) quiet drives him insane and he reenlists (the bets are on at a year, max). Unfortunately for those awaiting his return, Bilbo never does re-enlist, due to unforeseen circumstances (because really, what else can you call getting vanished off the face of Middle Earth?) (Those who thought he completely vanished were wrong, though. He may never have been seen again in that century, but only because no one bothered to check the history books)

An AU in which Bilbo was born and raised in Modern Middle Earth before getting sent back to the end of the Third Age in a desperate and terribly misinformed plot to mess up the Company's quest that backfires horribly, much to Gandalf's amusement. OR: Do your research, damn it!

Rating: T


Whoever said it was a good idea to fight fire with fire is a fucking idiot.







Bragging Rights @ AO3 by CrimesOfADeadpool
Summary: “I’m not even sure if this is allowed,” Peter told him.

“A loving boyfriend making sure you get to school okay?” Wade’s eyes narrowed. “And if I run into some certain people who happen to bully a certain boyfriend and they hit a certain person’s fist during that interval,” he shrugged carelessly. “Well I can’t be held accountable for that.”

Part 1 of The Teenage Biker Stereotype Series

Part 2 [LINK]
Summary: "There’s been a distinct lack of making out on this date Petey.” 

Peter rested his head on Wade’s shoulder. “Maybe if you stopped glaring at me and everyone who looks in my direction.”

Wade adjusted his jacket. “I’m a jealous guy. You knew that when you agreed to go out with me.”

Rating: G


For some reason the settings got reset...

...can't believe I just noticed.

What the fuck.

I'm pretty sure...


Ugh, never mind.



Tooth-Rotting Fluff, seriously.


Good-Morning, Sunshine @ AO3 by kangaroar
Summary: There was no doubt in Wade's mind that waking up next to Peter everyday was, without question, the best part of their relationship.

Also known as, Wade cuddles Peter like the end of the world is upon them every single morning.

Rating: T



Definitely insane.

Hint: Spideypool Role Reversal AU


God, why did I procrastinate so damn much?!

Fucking hell...

Old habits die hard.

I need to get started on reading that thing...but I don't wanna'... DX

Other Me: Well, that's just too bad because you NEED to.

Great, now I'm talking to myself. If that's not a sign of insanity I don't know what is.


I want Pancake House's Cinnamon Toast.

I DON'T know why but what I DO know is that I wANT IT NOW.

Oh my god. I can just feel myself getting fatter by the day, jesus.

I really need to lay off the sugar.


The Internet is being a bitch again...


If that is what is what I think it is then...



What the actual bloody fuck.

I mean...*gestures to the general vicinity of the computer screen*

Prostate Milk?!

What the fuck?!!


Fucking hell.


You're in deep shit alright.



What Would They Say, a Spider-Man + Deadpool Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

What They Say, a Spider-Man + Deadpool Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

What Do I Care, a Spider-Man + Deadpool Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

Rating: K+


Tony Stark/Peter Parker

(Secret) Meeting Like This @ AO3 by BlackEyedGirl

“You’re Spider-Man."

“What gave me away? Was it the webbing? Damnit, I bet that’s why the bad-guys always know who I am.”

Rating: T


Andrew Garfield will forever be the best Spider-Man.


Absolutely NOTHING will be able to change that.



The Avengers and Spidey

a (not so) chance encounter @ AO3 by emmyxogast

“Gotta say, I’m not a big fan of the super hero name, but I do admire your getup. It’s very,” he paused, “form fitting.”

“Oh my god, Tony. You’re going to add paedophilia to the list of offenses now, are you?”

Rating: T



He only took off his mask.

Rating: T



I lied.

MOST copy-pasted shit.


All copy-pasted shit will retain their original form. 

And by "form" I meant their font style, font size, colour, etc.

Basically anything that's not Font Size 13, Arial.


SCP-001-J w/o Molly-guards
Item #: SCP-001-J

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The location of Site-00, where SCP-001-J is to be kept, must remain an absolute secret. To this end, Site-00 will be guarded entirely by automated defense systems and have no living staff whatsoever. SCP-001-J itself will be kept locked in a cube made entirely from tungsten carbide, which is itself inside of another cube made of tungsten carbide, which will in turn be placed at the bottom of a three-kilometer long elevator shaft. Multiple molly-guards have been carefully placed over SCP-001-J, and the robots on Site-00 will be prepared to replace these guards if needed.
Description: SCP-001-J is big, red, shiny, strangely appealing button that just begs to be pushed.

SCP-001-J is a self-destruct mechanism that Foundation scientists believe is powerful enough to destroy reality itself, consisting of a circular red button set into a metal case. It looks like candy.

The mechanism by which SCP-001-J operates is not fully understood but it would be awesome to find out.

SCP-001-J induces a mild psychic compulsion upon all beings who see it or hear it described to try to push it.You know you want to!

History: SCP-001-J was first discovered by President ██████████ of ███████████████ in ██/██/████, in an elevator car. At that time, SCP-001-J looked exactly as it does now, except for the addition of a sticky-note that said "If you push this button, you'll destroy everything." The President managed to fight his compulsion to press SCP-001-J long enough to remove SCP-001-J from the elevator and lock it in the closet of his office. Afterward, he contacted ██████████████████████████████, known to us as "The Founder," and charged him with creating a special organization with the specific goal of preventing SCP-001-J from being pressed, either by careless accident or by deliberate malice, and also with the goal of "protecting humanity from monsters and stuff." ██████████████████████████████ agreed, took SCP-001-J, and hid it under a pile of old socks in his basement. ██████████████████████████████ spent the remainder of his life sitting on his porch, using a shotgun to fend off miscreants on his lawn who were suspected of being SCP-001-J sympathizers. The millions of dollars he made on the stock exchange were used to create a trust fund that was the basis of our Foundation.

Since ██████████████████████████████ died and the Foundation was set up to replace him, there have been █████ attempts to press SCP-001-J. Before Site-00 was relocated to Antarctica [DATA EXPUNGED], there were many near-breaches of containment when Foundation personnel attempted to press SCP-001-J "to see what would happen" and had to be terminated. There have also been numerous attempts by the Foundation's enemies to retrieve SCP-001-J, particularly the Order of the Sacred Button-Pushers, who have sworn to stop at nothing to capture and press SCP-001-J.

Addendum 1: I, for one, think it absurd that we still know so little of this SCP, even though we owe the creation of our organization to it, and allow petty fears of existential annihilation to prevent us from studying SCP-001-J. I propose a simple test; using a remote-controlled drone, we will gently tap the outer surface of SCP-001-J. If my calculations are correct, only a tiny portion of everything will be destroyed, and the probability that we will be part of this portion is astronomically small. -Dr. Blarg

Addendum 2: Denied. Report to the psyche ward immediately. O5-█

Addendum 3: Recently, many instances of objects that superficially resemble SCP-001-J have appeared on the internet and elsewhere. Although they seem to share the memetic effects of SCP-001-J, reality-destroying properties have not been confirmed. Research into the possibility of using these devices as a preventative measure against people pushing SCP-001-J has been postponed due to the number of researchers who started pushing buttons and refused to stop.

Addendum 4: In relation to Addendum 3, researchers unable to stop pushing SCP-001-J lookalikes appear to have a chronic addiction, in that they are now physically reliant on pushing SCP-001-J lookalikes. The affected have been admitted to ████████████ Hospital in ███████, ███████, ██████ for Foundation monitoring. Further research is recommendatory, but how it should be carried out will be the subject of further discussion.



Iambic Prose.

Ghost Writer.

You son of a bitch.


What. The. Fuck.

Why are you doing this to me.




Mankind in its present state has been around for a quarter of a million years, yet only the last 4,000 have been of any significance.
So, what did we do for nearly 250,000 years? We huddled in caves and around small fires, fearful of the things that we didn't understand. It was more than explaining why the sun came up, it was the mystery of enormous birds with heads of men and rocks that came to life. So we called them 'gods' and 'demons', begged them to spare us, and prayed for salvation.
In time, their numbers dwindled and ours rose. The world began to make more sense when there were fewer things to fear, yet the unexplained can never truly go away, as if the universe demands the absurd and impossible.
Mankind must not go back to hiding in fear. No one else will protect us, and we must stand up for ourselves.
While the rest of mankind dwells in the light, we must stand in the darkness to fight it, contain it, and shield it from the eyes of the public, so that others may live in a sane and normal world.
We secure. We contain. We protect.

— The Administrator

The SCP Wiki is a collaborative urban fantasy writing website about the fictional SCP Foundation, a secretive organization that contains anomalous or supernatural items and entities away from the eyes of the public.

I suggest checking it out! :))


Superfamily. Superhusbands. Stony. AU


To War Chapter 3, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction

"What the hell, Peter?" Tony questioned. Apparently, Steve had filled him in.

"I'll let you two out when you confess your undying love for each other!" Peter winced at the look a passing soldier gave him.


Rating: T


Just noticed I've been posting nothing but fic recs.




Was terrifying.

Awkward as hell too. Jesus.




Well fuck.

I tried not to get my hopes up but, still.

Utter bullshit.

There better be no classes tomorrow. Dammit.



Mine @ AO3 by Pastel_Teacups

He was Harry’s, and he could live with that.

Rating: T


Just wanted to say that Oblivious!Characters are adorable AF. 

Like, seriously. Just...*gestures vaguely* Look.


No, I haven't read the entire series (yet). Just this one.


You're Mine (And Nobody Should Forget It) @ AO3 by Take_Me_To_My_Fragile_Dreams
Summary: People have a tendency to ignore Harry's ownership.
(Spoiler: He doesn't like it.)

Rating: T
Warning(s): Dom/Sub Elements



First Date Part I @ AO3 by TheEmcee

“How come you’ve never told me about this?” Steve asked.

“Because you’re like an over protective gorilla,” Tony answered for Peter. Their son’s head snapped up and he gazed wide eyed at his other father, his expression one of ‘how did you know what I was thinking?’ Steve turned to his husband.
“I’m like a what?” he asked.
“Oh, please, Steve. You practically bang your chest whenever anyone even brings up Peter. You go as far as to even be labelled paranoid,” Tony explained calmly as he put down his phone and ate a couple of peas...

Rating: G



they say home is where your heart is set in stone @ AO3 by notfirewoodyet

“Peter Parker,” his father laughs, his smile becoming even crueler around the edges. “I should have known it was you the moment I stepped in here. You’re the only person Harry would betray me for.”
Harry would betray his father for $20 and a pack of Juicy Fruit, but now probably isn’t the best time to say it.

Rating: T



Meet My Manservant @ AO3 by Rachael_Rothman

"You still blow-dry your hair every morning?"
"Um, y'know one of my manservants holds the hairdryer but I work the comb okay, so... at least I'm not completely helpless!"
In which Peter finds out Harry wasn't kidding about that.

Rating: G


Holy shit.



Parksborn or SpiderFlash?

Fuck. It's like trying to decide between Badger Cereal and Teddy Ghost.


By the way, P6 happened a week ago. 

Just wanted to share the exhausting, not to mention boring AF, experience of listening to your In-Laws blathering on and on about the pros and cons of shit I kind of forgot WHAT exactly...



I am in love with sweaters. 

And hoodies. 

And beanies. 

But with the Philippines being a tropical country it's a bit difficult to actually have the opportunity to wear any of my preferred clothing. The last time I had the chance to wear my favourite hoodie is that time when we went to the Rizal Recreational Park for our High School Retreat. 

I'm in my first year of college now.

Shit. I hope it still fits me. I'm really going to miss that hoodie otherwise. :(





Heart-Shaped Bruise @ AO3 by htbthomas

Sequel: [LINK]

Rating: T


The Internet decided to be a bitch and won't cooperate with me.


When you and your Mom are in the same room while you read BL fanfiction.

It can get pretty awkward.

Added to the fact that I tend to...you know...Fangirl a bit too much at times.



Camera Flash @ AO3 by DLanaDHZ

Rating: T

Part 2 of The Amazing Relationship of Flash Thompson and Peter Parker Series.


Ugh. Boring wedding stuff.

My brother is going to get married and Mom decided it was a good idea to bring me with her while she, my brother, and his wife plan the wedding.

At least I get to play with my nephew.

Marcus is just adorable.



Nova fell hard.

In which Nova may have a man-crush, and Flash thinks it's funny. @ AO3 by i_am_the_narawal

Doesn't really need a summary so...yeah.

Rating: T



It's Ok, Flash @ AO3 by Literally_No_One_Cares
Summary: Flash might have accidentally become an agent of SHIELD. Oops. It's actually pretty awesome. The only thing that could make this better is if he could have the dude he's been crushing on since freshman year.

Rating: T


Haven't been home for like...THREE weeks now.


I hate the city.

Sure it's pretty convenient with all the stores at walking distance but it's just NOT the province.

I also doubt I'll be able to go home next Saturday because we have a field trip to Bataan. We're gonna' go climb Mt. Samat to visit the Dambana ng Kagitingan (Shrine of Valour), I think.


Tim Holman

You HAVE to check out this guy's website.

Pretty cool stuff.


This is pretty much a rant blog so expect quite a lot of profanity.


And random shit.

See, it's already started.

Also, English is not my first language so you will have to bear with my sometimes (or most of the time) faulty grammar.


That's it.

Welcome to my blog.