
Jesus shit. I'm all over the place.

Staig, better known as my new addiction, Stan/Craig!! >w<

Craig is TOP, DAMMIT!

Hell yass.

Sorry, just ignore my fangirlish self.

High School Reunion @ AO3 by monthadog
Summary: The South Park kids are all grown up and going to their first high school reunion. Life isn't perfect. Some ended up happy and in love while others waste their life away waiting for someone to notice them. People change- and sometimes not for the better.

Rating: M (Mostly due to the mention of drugs, past child abuse,transsexuality...The usual. No action  though. Which is sad. But I'm ok with it. Not really that much of a big deal. The sheer amount of tooth-rotting fluff makes up for it. The fic implies that shit will get steamy later though. Oh my god, I did NOT just type that. Holy shit.)